The anticipations to fly-by a waypoint or a VOR/DME station.
The anticipations to enter and to exit a VOR/DME arc.
Intersection and anticipations of VOR (DME) radials.
VOR/DME Fix-to-Fix navigation.
Determines the descent profile of an aircraft from TOD
Briefing and visualization for the entry in a holding pattern.
Solves the wind triangle
Determines the Density altitude for dry air.
International Standard Atmosphere.
Calibrated, equivalent and true airspeed. Mach number.
Fuel planning calculations.
Determines the holding fuel and the holding time at the destination.
Converter for the main units found in aviation.
Calculation of rhumb lines distances and bearings.
Calculation of orthodrome distances and bearings.
Radio Magnectic Indicator.
Calculation of distances from QDRs or radials.
The ICAO Flight Plan.
Glossary of acronyms.
The one in sixty rule.
Calculation of head/tail and cross-wind components.
Calculation of the average wind (intensity and direction).
Calculation of the load-sheet.
Location of QDMs and QDRs
Mental Maths for pilots
Calculation of turn radius
Performance Based Navigation